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pivot_wider() "widens" data, increasing the number of columns and decreasing the number of rows. The inverse transformation is pivot_longer().


  id_cols = NULL,
  values_from = "Value",
  names_from = "Name",
  names_sep = "_",
  names_prefix = "",
  names_glue = NULL,
  values_fill = NULL,



data.frame. The data to pivot.


character(1). The name of the column that identifies the rows. If NULL, it will use all the unique rows.


character(n). The name of the column that contains the values to be used as future variable values.


character(n). The name of the column(s) that contains the levels to be used as future column names.


character(1). If names_from or values_from contains multiple variables, this will be used to join their values together into a single string to use as a column name.


character(1). String added to the start of every variable name. This is particularly useful if names_from is a numeric vector and you want to create syntactic variable names.


character(1). Instead of names_sep and names_prefix, you can supply a glue specification that uses the names_from columns to create custom column names. Note that the only delimiters supported by names_glue are curly brackets, { and }.


numeric(n). Optionally, a (scalar) value that will be used to replace missing values in the new columns created.


Not used for now.


If a tibble was provided as input, pivot_wider() also returns a tibble. Otherwise, it returns a data frame.


data_long <- read.table(header = TRUE, text = "
 subject sex condition measurement
       1   M   control         7.9
       1   M     cond1        12.3
       1   M     cond2        10.7
       2   F   control         6.3
       2   F     cond1        10.6
       2   F     cond2        11.1
       3   F   control         9.5
       3   F     cond1        13.1
       3   F     cond2        13.8
       4   M   control        11.5
       4   M     cond1        13.4
       4   M     cond2        12.9")

  id_cols = "subject",
  names_from = "condition",
  values_from = "measurement"
#>   subject sex control cond1 cond2
#> 1       1   M     7.9  12.3  10.7
#> 2       2   F     6.3  10.6  11.1
#> 3       3   F     9.5  13.1  13.8
#> 4       4   M    11.5  13.4  12.9

  id_cols = "subject",
  names_from = "condition",
  values_from = "measurement",
  names_prefix = "Var.",
  names_sep = "."
#>   subject sex Var.control Var.cond1 Var.cond2
#> 1       1   M         7.9      12.3      10.7
#> 2       2   F         6.3      10.6      11.1
#> 3       3   F         9.5      13.1      13.8
#> 4       4   M        11.5      13.4      12.9

production <- expand.grid(
  product = c("A", "B"),
  country = c("AI", "EI"),
  year = 2000:2014
) %>%
  filter((product == "A" & country == "AI") | product == "B") %>%
  mutate(production = rnorm(nrow(.)))

  names_from = c("product", "country"),
  values_from = "production",
  names_glue = "prod_{product}_{country}"
#>    year   prod_A_AI  prod_B_AI   prod_B_EI
#> 1  2000 -0.24399241  0.4353313 -0.69475390
#> 2  2001  1.40735841  0.6640163 -0.17235734
#> 3  2002  0.24208579  0.4777955 -1.55287301
#> 4  2003  0.47450988 -0.5638155 -2.81039662
#> 5  2004  0.02122596  0.1511730  0.93459111
#> 6  2005 -1.20202066 -0.2370773 -0.54026076
#> 7  2006 -0.57998724  0.4633448  0.52688060
#> 8  2007 -0.14132877  0.9663687 -0.99768681
#> 9  2008 -0.85391920 -1.6952953 -0.30505267
#> 10 2009  1.19629139 -0.2538215  0.56936693
#> 11 2010  0.39035750  0.3673242  0.07176328
#> 12 2011 -1.06431585 -0.8007223 -0.32601133
#> 13 2012  0.95643219 -1.1394993 -0.11804413
#> 14 2013  0.16399451 -0.1356509  1.25739238
#> 15 2014  0.08610159 -1.3601053  0.45949303